10 Ways to Conserve Water Inside and Outside Your Seattle Home

10 Ways to Conserve Water Inside and Outside Your Seattle HomeWith all the talk about drought lately, it is understandable and quite prudent that water conservation be discussed. We can all do a little something to help conserve one of the most precious resources we have—water. Every single person can participate in water conservation, without going to extremes. Greenwood Hardware cares about our local community and the beautiful environment we are all lucky to live in. The following tips can help you conserve water, inside and out.

  1. Use an egg timer and time your showers. Set a goal to shave off at least 2 minutes from your shower time. Ideally, you should be under 10 minutes.
  2. Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth.
  3. Only wash full loads of laundry in the wash. Investing in high-efficiency washers can also reduce the amount of water you use.
  4. Use mulch around your plants outdoors to help keep the ground moist, lessening the water you need to keep your plants green.
  5. Only water your lawn in the early morning and late night hours to prevent the water from evaporating in the heat of the sun.
  6. Use a timer when you are watering the lawn. These are easily attached at the faucet and will ensure you don’t waste water when you forget about it.
  7. Take care of any leaky faucets. A steadily dripping faucet adds up to several gallons of water wasted.
  8. Install a water-saving shower head to reduce the amount of water you use in the shower.
  9. Fill a pitcher of water and put it in the fridge, so you don’t have to let the water run when you want a cold glass of tap water.
  10.  When you need to wash your car, fill a bucket and wash the car. Only use the hose to quickly rinse the car off.

These ten, quick and easy ways to conserve water will help you save several gallons of water every single day. Imagine 100 people saving 5 gallons of water a day. It adds up! Head into Greenwood Hardware to pick up what you need to meet your own water conservation goals. Come on in, or contact us today.

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