Start Your Fall Preparations By Installing a Door Sweep

Start Your Fall Preparations By Installing a Door Sweep - Greenwood HardwareIt may seem like you were just getting into the swing of summer and now it is time to start preparing for fall. The chilly wind is just around the corner! You can save money on your electric bill this winter by installing a door sweep. In fact, the door sweep will come in handy all year round. It keeps the cold air out in the winter and the hot air out in the summer while keeping the air inside your home—in! Our team at Greenwood Hardware can help you find what you need to install your door sweep.

Installing a door sweep is fairly easy. You will need a few tools:

  • Screwdriver
  • Putty knife
  • Tin snips or hacksaw
  • Drill

You may need more tools depending on the type of door sweep you buy and whether you need to remove an old, damaged door sweep.

Measure the width of your door before you buy your sweep. You don’t want a door sweep that is too small. If it is too big, that is okay. You will be cutting it to size. If you already have your door sweep, measure the width of the bottom of the door and then use your tape measure to mark the distance on the sweep. Cut the sweep with the tin snips or saw.

Line the sweep up against the bottom of the door, so the nylon brushes or the rubber strip is barely touching the floor. If the sweep is too low, it will be difficult to open and close the door. If it is too high, it will be ineffective.

Use a drill to attach the sweep on the inside of your door. Open and close the door a few times to make sure it isn’t too low.

That is all you need to do! It is a very simple task that only takes a few moments, but can save you a great deal of energy all year round. Head into Greenwood Hardware today to pick up what you need to make your home a little more energy efficient before the winter weather sets in. Stop on in, or contact us today!

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