It’s Time To Prepare Your Spring Flower Beds in Seattle!

How to Prepare Your Spring Flower Beds in Seattle - Greenwood HardwareIt is time to get your flower beds ready for what appears to be an early spring. The Pacific Northwest is famous for its tulips, which are a beautiful addition to any flower garden, but there are plenty of other bulbs that grow well in our wet climate! Once those bulbs fade, you will want to have another pretty show with flowers that will bloom throughout the spring and into the summer months. Having healthy garden beds is a must to ensure your flowers bloom. Our team at Greenwood Hardware has everything you need to get your landscaping in tip-top shape this spring.

Pick Up Bulbs and Seeds

You will need to pick up new bulbs and seeds to put into your flower beds. Have fun and shake things up a bit. Contrasting colors make for some pretty vivid displays. Oranges and reds or white and pink are all beautiful combinations. You can also use flower starts if that works easier for you. It gives you instant color instead of waiting for weeks.

Clean Up the Beds

You will need to remove dead leaves and other foliage that has been resting in your beds. Remove any weeds that may already be sprouting as well. If you plan on adding a border, now is the time to do it. Little fences or large rocks work great.

Work the Soil

Use a small rake or a cultivator to turn the soil in the bed. Look for any bugs that may give you problems, but leave the earthworms. The soil should be dark and drain well. If you need to add compost to help make it a bit more fertile, now is the time to do so. Other soil additives may be necessary. You can check the condition of your soil with a quick soil test kit.


Compost is excellent for feeding the soil and ensuring the roots of your flowers have something to feed on, but you can add additional fertilizer to get really nice blooms. Bulb fertilizer should be applied now and again during the blooming season.

You will find everything you need to get your flower beds ready for a glorious spring display at Greenwood Hardware. Head in today and make sure you are ready for spring. Come on in, or contact us today.

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