Five Reasons Why You Want Ladybugs in Your Seattle Yard

Five Reasons Why You Want Ladybugs in Your Seattle Yard - Greenwood HardwareWhen you think about controlling harmful pests like aphids in your garden and your orchard, you may automatically jump to the conclusion you need some kind of chemical spray. For many people, they would prefer to keep their yard and garden as chemical free as possible. Organic gardening is a growing trend for many reasons. Our team at Greenwood Hardware has a solution to your aphid control needs—ladybugs. Ladybugs are an all-natural way of keeping down unwanted pests in the garden. In fact, there are several other reasons you want the little red bugs hanging out in your trees, flower beds and garden.

  1. Ladybugs love to feast on aphids. They can help keep the aphids off your beautiful rose bushes, fruit trees and other leafy greens in your landscaping.
  2. If you have a garden with potatoes growing, you will want ladybugs who love to eat the eggs of the Colorado potato beetle.
  3. Ladybugs eat mealybugs that can suck the juice out of new growth on plants.
  4. Ladybugs also prey on spider mites. Spider mites can destroy entire branches on fruit trees and many fruiting plants.
  5. Ladybugs eat the larvae of many of the insects that can diminish a harvest. This prevents further problems.

One of the best things about using ladybugs as a natural solution to pest problems in the garden is they are extremely inexpensive and completely safe. You can get packs of ladybugs for relatively low cost. Spray a little sugar water on the netting that holds the ladybugs before releasing to help keep them in the area in which you want them to remain.

They require no upkeep and will stick around your garden and landscaping as long as there is plenty of food. Planting flowers like marigolds and cosmos will invite more ladybugs to make your landscaping home. They also enjoy things like cilantro, chives, and dill.

If you would like a natural way to control pests in your gardens this year, head into Greenwood Hardware today and pick up a package. They are an amazing addition to your garden, and you will love how you can take care of your garden without any harsh chemicals. Come on in, or contact us today.

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