Fall Window Cleaning Tips for your Pacific Northwest Home

Fall Window Cleaning Tips for your Pacific Northwest Home - Greenwood HardwareNow that the days filled with summer sun beating down on the windows is behind us, it is time to pull out the window washing materials and give the windows around the house a good cleaning. You will appreciate the clean, streak-free windows when those rare occasions when the sun is shining high in the sky on a cool fall day. Our team at Greenwood Hardware can get you set up to give all the windows in your home a cleaning that will look like it was done by a professional.

Wait for the Right Day

Obviously, you don’t want to wash the windows on a rainy day. You will only end up frustrated. However, a nice overcast day is the perfect time. This way the sun doesn’t dry your window cleaning solution too fast, and it won’t streak.

The Right Stuff

Window washing is more than a roll of paper towels and a bottle of Windex. You want to invest in a good squeegee, a window washing solution, a bucket and a strip washer. Think of a gas station window washing set up.

Remove the Screens

You can’t get away with doing one side. Take off the screens to allow full access to your windows. You will appreciate the extra effort the first day the sun pours through. Give the screens a good spray down with the house. If they are especially dirty, use a degreasing solution to get rid of the grime.

Horizontal Stripes

Dip your strip washer into your bucket of soapy water and make horizontal stripes across the window, overlapping a couple of inches. Grab your squeegee and hold it at a 30-degree angle. Wipe in the same order you put the soap on. Use a towel to wipe off the soap before doing the next row.

Microfiber is the Trick

Once you are finished washing, take a microfiber cloth and wipe down the entire window to remove streaks. If you want to be extra detailed, use a buffer tool to get every last streak.

Once you have done the outside, make sure you wash the inside. The finished product is going to look great, and you will appreciate every ounce of effort it took. Head into Greenwood Hardware today and pick up the supplies you need to get your windows winter ready. Stop on in, or contact us today.

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