How To Keep Bugs In Check In Your Seattle Yard

How To Keep Bugs In Check In Your Seattle Yard - Greenwood HardwareBugs are a bother to anybody who has spent any time outside. You have the bugs that are nuisances and feast on humans, and then you have bugs that feast on your plants, trees, flowers and destroy them. There are a few beneficial bugs, of course, but for the most part, you will want to keep the bug population in your Seattle yard in check. A bug infestation can spell disaster. If not caught early enough, you could be fighting a battle that you are unlikely to win without suffering some casualties i.e. flowers, trees, and even the lawn. Our team at Greenwood Hardware has some ideas to help you keep your yard bugs in check.

Natural Pesticides

Not all pesticides are made with harsh, potentially dangerous chemicals. There are plenty that use natural ingredients that are taken from various plants that are natural insect repellents. These natural pesticides are generally safe to use around the home and will not harm pets if they happen to walk across the lawn you just sprayed.

Soaps and Oils

There are a number of soaps and oils you can spray on your grass, trees and shrubs that will kill things like aphids, ants and other soft-bodies pests. You don’t want to go overboard with the soap or oil solution because it can damage your plants. A nice, fine layer will do the trick and kill the pests that are present and deter any other from showing up. You will need to repeat this application every couple of weeks or so.

Coffee Grounds

Spread coffee grounds around the perimeter of your garden or landscaping to keep ants and other little critters from crawling in and taking up residence. They are not fond of the aromatic smell of the used grounds. The grounds are a beautiful addition to the soil as well.

Organic Spray

You can mix up a spray that won’t harm your greenery, but it may stink so bad bugs and other critters will keep their distance. Common additives are garlic, cloves, mint or even hot pepper mixed with water. You can also use essential oils like peppermint or clove dabbed onto a cloth and hung around the yard, tied from tree branches or put on stakes around the yard. You will need to replace the cloths every couple of weeks.

Bugs are pesky and can ruin a perfect barbecue or picnic lunch on the patio. Don’t let them ruin your plans and give some of these solutions a try. You will find a variety of organic and natural products at Greenwood Hardware that are sure to take care of any of your bug problems. Come on in, or contact us today.

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