Got Rats? How To Deal with Rodents Invading Your Home and Yard

Got Rats? How To Deal with Rodents Invading Your Home and Yard If you have discovered some uninvited guests in your home or yard, you need help to give them their eviction notices! Rats are not only a nuisance; they also pose a danger to you and your family. They are nasty creatures that nobody is ever excited to see or discover the evidence of their presence. Greenwood Hardware has what you need to get rid of the unwanted interlopers.

Unlike mice, rats are much bigger and can do a lot more damage. A few reasons you want to get rid of rats as quickly as possible are as follows:

  • They carry disease (they are actually blamed for spreading the plague a few centuries ago)
  • They cause major damage to floors, ceilings and walls
  • They will destroy food (they like tomatoes!)
  • They can and will eat through wiring, causing a serious electric hazard

Your best bet is prevention.

  • Stack firewood at least 18 inches off the ground when possible
  • Keep your trash lid in place
  • Remove any food from outside your home, don’t leave out rotting fruits or veggies
  • Cover all openings into your home, invest in sturdy grates for vents
  • Don’t leave cat or dog food outside
  • Keep trees cut back, so branches don’t give rats easy access to your attic
  • Only use composters that are sealed and rodent proof, avoid putting any meat or dairy products in your compost heap

If you have rats, act quickly to get rid of them. Rat traps are really your best option. Poison can leave you with dead rats in duct work, behind the walls and under your house. This doesn’t eliminate the risk of disease and can actually be rather unsanitary. Trapping rats is best and allows you to remove the carcass from your house altogether. Always use gloves when removing the rat from the trap. Keep setting the traps until you no longer see evidence of their presence.

Head into Greenwood Hardware today and pick up your rat traps and get rid of your rats today! Come on in, or contact us.


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