Does Your Seattle Home Need A Dehumidifier?

Does Your Seattle Home Need A Dehumidifier? Living in the Pacific Northwest means there can be lots of moisture in the air. The moisture makes it a lovely place to live with all the lush green forests and trees all around us. Unfortunately, too much moisture can be a real problem for our homes. You may not even realize the humidity in your home is causing problems. A dehumidifier can help dry things out a bit so your home isn’t susceptible to some of the side effects of high humidity or moisture in the air. At Greenwood Hardware, you will find what you need to take care of any of the issues that arise due to excessive moisture.

Check out the following five signs that indicate you need a dehumidifier.

  1. Condensation on the inside of your windows is a sign there is too much moisture in the house. Foggy windows is another way to tell. The windows are a prime place for moisture to build up due to the increased likelihood of a seal not being tight. Sealing the windows and using a dehumidifier will help alleviate the problem.
  2. Mold growth along the window, the walls or the ceiling is a very clear sign you need to reduce the humidity levels in your home. Clean the mold with a special cleaning solution and get a dehumidifier running.
  3. If you come home after a long day at work and it smells musty or has an odor of mildew or mold, you need a dehumidifier. There may likely mold and mildew growing, whether you can see it or not. This can be a health hazard. The dehumidifier will help dry things out and stop the mold growth.
  4. Obvious signs of water damage like rings in the ceiling are a sign water has leaked through. It could also indicate there is too much moisture inside the house. Bathrooms are especially prone to this.
  5. If you find you are sneezing, stuffed up or experience other allergy signs, it could be because of high humidity in your home. The humidity makes it a prime environment for mold spores and dust mites that will certainly irritate your airways.

Don’t suffer with mold and mildew any longer. Get a dehumidifier and make sure the air you breathe while you are at home is safe and clean. Head into Greenwood Hardware to learn more and pick up the supplies you need to restore your home’s air to a safe, clean quality. Come on in, or contact us today.

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