Six Helpful Ways to Keep the Bees Away in Seattle

Six Helpful Ways to Keep the Bees Away in Seattle - Greenwood HardwareBees are mostly a blessing but every once in a while, they can wear out their welcome in your yard. They are an essential part of the food chain, and they do serve a valuable purpose, even those really irritating guys like wasps and yellow jackets. Bees have a knack for ruining a picnic by invading your space and trying to enjoy your food. They can break up a good time simply by showing up. At Greenwood Hardware, we know how important it is for you to enjoy the beautiful weather in the Pacific Northwest without the hassle of uninvited and often violent guests. We have some tips to help you keep the bees at bay while you enjoy your picnic or barbecue with friends and family.

  1. If you are going to be out on your deck or patio, you can help repel the bees by making any landing areas undesirable. A spray bottle filled with soapy water can be used to spray down deck rails, furniture, and table tops. The bees will not appreciate the smell of the soap or the stickiness the soap residue leaves behind. They will avoid the area. Add a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil to help repel them altogether.
  2. Collect some old pantyhose and make small bags by tying a knot at one end. Add a couple of moth balls and tie a knot at the other end to create a sachet. Hang the little bags around your eating area to deter the bees.
  3. Fake the bees out by making them think there are other bees in the area. Brown paper lunch bags are the perfect substitute for a fake hive. Blow up a few bags, tie them off and hang them around the eating area.
  4. Fill pretty pots with bright marigolds all around your eating area. Marigolds are natural insect and bee repellents and add summer cheer.
  5. Toilet bowl cleaner discs that are in the plastic cases are perfect for repelling bees. Open a couple and place on your picnic table or off the deck railing. The bees do not like the smell and will stay away.
  6. Open a plastic bottle and cut off the top third. Invert the top so the small opening you drink through is facing the bottom of the bottle. Add some soda and put the bee traps around the perimeter of where you will be dining. The bees will be attracted to the sugary substance, fly in and not be able to get out.

Bees have their place in nature, but nobody really wants to dine with bees and risk their wrath for not sharing. Our friendly staff at Greenwood Hardware hope you can use one or all of these methods to help make your outdoor dining experience a little more enjoyable. If you would rather just take care of business and rid yourself of a few nests, you will find what you need in our store. Come on in, orĀ contact us today.

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